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We’re at the Forefront of New Technology

Here at The Bill Black Team, we are always striving to be out in the forefront of new technology and ideas in real estate. 

We were the first team in Omaha to get on the QR code bandwagon. Although it didn’t last long, it’s just another example of how we were ahead of the curve when it comes to marrying real estate and technology. Today we wanted to tell you about our latest technological innovation, something that sets us apart from most Realtors.

This tool is useful for buyers and sellers.

We have a system set up where if you text one of our numbers that you see on a particular listing, it will instantly send you all the information about the home via your mobile device. This is going to be not only a useful tool for potential buyers, but for sellers as well. As soon as these people log in to get information about a home, we get their information.

We used to do flyers, but realized there was a better way. With this, we can track buyers, find out who they are, and get them to buy your home.

If you have any questions for us, don’t hesitate to reach out by giving us a call or sending us an email. We would love to hear from you!

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